I love this time of year. We get to eat out of the garden every day and enjoy the warm sunshine.


We're going to harvest our garlic in the next week or so. The reason I'm telling you this is because we've had people ask us where we get the big, beautiful, garlic they see on our growing garlic page.

Our garlic is not like the garlic you buy in the grocery store where the cloves get smaller as you get closer to the center of the bulb. Our garlic bulbs have one row of cloves. Each bulb usually has 4-6 cloves.

Some people buy elephant garlic because of it's size, but it isn't real garlic. Elephant garlic is probably more closely related to the leek than to ordinary garlic. What we've grown IS NOT elephant garlic. The cloves are huge, and it's real garlic. It has a strong, rich, flavor. We don't use any herbicides or pesticides on the garlic.

For the last couple years we've been planting and replanting the few cloves that we got from a friend, because we couldn't find this kind of garlic anywhere else. Well, now we have enough to share.

We're going to keep half of our crop for replanting and sell the rest. The supply is limited so if you're interested in getting some, let us know as soon as possible. I don't have the buying garlic page ready to go yet, but you can put in an order using the contact form. The garlic is $6.99 a bulb.

When you get your garlic, don't eat it. Save it and plant it this fall. Next year you'll have 4-5 times the amount of garlic. Save some for replanting and eat the rest. Garlic stores well. I just finished using up some garlic that we stored last fall.

Garden Worms

Did you know how helpful garden worms are for your garden? Read about how many ways earthworms can help your garden plants grow and flourish.


Provident Living Today just joined Facebook. This is another way for you to stay connected. I write on the wall when I post new pages on the website.

I'm also thinking about starting a book club where we read and discuss books that are helping us. If you're interested in something like that, let me know.

I'm new to Facebook, so I'm still exploring the possibilities. If you'd like to become a fan, we'd love to have you join us. Remember to tell your friends.


I've reorganized the shopping page so that you can find items that you want to buy on the website. With over 175 pages on the site, I hope this helps you.

Bulk Food Storage Containers

For those of you wondering what kind of food storage containers to use for your bulk food, I've created a page showing you the three different methods that I use to store my grain and other bulk food.

Stay Healthy

I know most of you aren't worried about sickness with all the vitamin D you're getting from the sunshine, but there were some great health stories posted on the site this month. Vitamin D3, Oregano, Spice Traders, and Ionic Silver are an important part of my home health kit.

Here are some of the stories that were posted:

Food Storage Recipes

The recipes keep coming. Thanks for contributing. It's so easy to post your recipe. Just fill out the form and submit. We'd like to try your favorite recipes.

Here's some of the newest ones on the website:

Cabbage Role Casserole, Green Bean and Carrot Casserole, Cheesy Beans and Rice Casserole, Zucchini Rice and Quick and Easy Rice.

I love hearing your good ideas. Also, let me know what you want to see on the website, and I'll see what I can do. Let your friends and family know about Provident Living Today and help encourage them to live providently today and prepare for future.

Have a Great Month,


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