Freezing raspberries is a great way to preserve the fresh taste of summer. Spread them out on a cookie sheet and freeze them before putting them in a bag.
Here’s how you do it:
Right after you pick the raspberries, lay them out on a cookie sheet. Use a cookie sheet with sides so the berries don’t roll off the edge.
The raspberries should be clean if your hands were clean when you picked them. Washing your raspberries makes them mushy and adds too much moisture to the frozen raspberry.
Put your raspberries in the freezer and let them freeze solid.
Take the berries out of the freezer and quickly put them in freezer bags. You might need a spatula to scrape the berries off the cookie sheet.
Put the bags of frozen raspberries back in the freezer.
Now you have frozen berries, and you can eat them one at a time.
You can also use your raspberries for pies, fruit salad, or just as a finger snack.
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